Published: November 30, 2012

Katrina Foster surrounds herself with smart people in order to succeed. “It has always been my philosophy — empowering my team to be better than me. I hands-down want them to be better than me and I push them to grow with me every day; it’s challenging for me and for them, which is why I think I have been successful,” she says.

As president and founder of KKPR Marketing and Public Relations, she is everything from chief problem solver and HR manager to creative director and writer.

Having always been a go-getter she notes that the past decade has been a real whirlwind for her. She spent the past seven years building something that will last a lifetime — her business. “It is truly something that makes me proud every single day. The unquenchable fire in my belly motivates me every day to get up and to be better at being me, to be better at being a business owner and to grow and be the absolute best I can be, whatever that might be,” she said.

Having several mentors in her life, she cites her bookkeeper and Vince Benedetto of Bold Gold Media among the most influential. “These are the two people that I can always call for sound business advice when I feel a little lost. With these two in my corner, I have been able to overcome a lot of obstacles.”
She advises young entrepreneurs to make sure they have that fire in their belly. “If they don’t, this whole entrepreneur thing will age you quickly — but if you are inspired by the challenge, then go for it and surround yourself with as many supportive people as you can. You are going to need them!” she says with a laugh.
She plans to continue the steady maintenance of her business and aspires to future growth. She is grateful for the support of her parents.